The best way to handle it is, to each have a function for set and release a lock. Look at the following examples:
create or replace package body my_package is [...] function lockSemaphore(pi_lock_name in varchar2, po_lock_result out number) return boolean is PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; l_lock_handle varchar2(128); l_lock_duration number := 3600; -- 1h begin -- try to get a lock handle dbms_lock.allocate_unique(pi_lock_name, l_lock_handle); -- set a lock for the desired time po_lock_result := dbms_lock.request(l_lock_handle, 6, l_lock_duration); -- 6 = exclusive, wait for ever -- if the lock is new or the session has already set the same lock return true if (po_lock_result in (0, 4)) then return(true); else -- otherwise return false return(false); end if; end; [...] --- --- releaseSemaphore --- function releaseSemaphore(pi_lock_name in varchar2, po_lock_result out number) return boolean is PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; l_lock_handle varchar2(128); begin -- first, get the lock-handle with the lock-name dbms_lock.allocate_unique(pi_lock_name, l_lock_handle); -- try to release the lock po_lock_result := dbms_lock.release(l_lock_handle); -- if release is ok, return true if (po_lock_result = 0) then return(true); else -- otherwise false return(false); end if; end; [...]
Now you can use the lock-function to manualy set a lock. If more functions want to set the lock at the same time, the calls will be queued (waiting), until the function which is called prior releases the lock. Example:
[...] declare l_lock_result number; l_lock_name varchar2(20); begin l_lock_name := 'my lock'; if (my_package.lockSemaphore(l_lock_name, l_lock_result)) then dbms_output.put_line('Lock success: ' || l_lock_result); else dbms_output.put_line('Lock Error: ' || l_lock_result); end if; [...] some processing for which it's necessary to run only once at one time if (my_package.releaseSemaphore(l_lock_name, l_lock_result)) then dbms_output.put_line('Release success: ' || l_lock_result); else dbms_output.put_line('Release Error: ' || l_lock_result); end if; end; [...]