Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /mnt/web018/d2/82/51207682/htdocs/armbruster-it/joomla33/templates/stefans_blog_05/functions.php on line 182
... Oracle version 8, it is possible to write Java code direct within the database. So it would be possible, to write stored procedures with Java instead of using PL/SQL. Nevertheless, the advantages of PL/SQL ...
XML and JSON are perfect to manage and transfer structured data on the internet. But in a relational database like oracle the data is stored in tables who can be linked via joins. This article ...
... Oracle version 8, it is possible to write Java code direct within the database. So it would be possible, to write stored procedures with Java instead of using PL/SQL. Nevertheless, the advantages of PL/SQL ...